Giana Mirenda
LH Pitcher/Outfield
Giana Mirenda
Sellersville Scream
Class of 2025
“Stay humble and kind”
Personal Information
Height: 5'7" Bats: Right Throws: Left
GPA: 3.6 Class Rank: TBD SAT: TBD
Honors: Physics, World Cultures
Anticipated Major: Nursing
NCAA Clearinghouse #: 2304845538
Phone: (C) (610) 451-2275
High School
School: Berks Catholic
Coach: John Gleason
Coach Email:
Accomplishments / Activities
Honor Roll
Varsity Field Hockey-2021,2022,2023
All Division Field Hockey-2021&2022
Varsity Basketball-2021&2022
Varsity Softball-2021&2022
All Division Softball-2022
Coaches Choice Award-Outstanding Player
Carpenter Cup-2022
Coach youth basketball and softball
Volunteer for church and school
Travel​​ Team:
Sellersville Scream​ 18U
Website: ​
Coach: Tim Dockery
Coach Email: ​
Pitching Coach: Janetta Burris
Hitting Coach: Tim Dockery
Speed/Agility Training:
Triple Crown Academy
Skills Video